The PES is a weekly radio show on KZUU 90.7FM, Pullman, WA at noon to two o'clock pm on Monday's. We talk sports, politics, and technology. You can find radio show audio and links from this site.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Impromptu Co-Host Ted

Today on The PES

Wales... Canada?
JEdge from the Evergreen Football League
Virgina Tech Shooting
Ted on Springfest
Download the audio: The PES - Apr. 23rd, 2007 (Right-Click "Save As...")

Monday, April 16, 2007

WSU College Republicans do it again!

Today on The PES

The Speed Limit -- drive it!
Danny Schanze talks about latest WSU College Republican event
JEdge talks Evergreen Football Action
Tom Forbes Calls in

Download the audio: The PES - Apr. 16th, 2007 (Right-Click "Save As...")

Monday, April 9, 2007

You Spend the Money, Go to Class

Today on The PES

Teaching and Education
WSU Policy being applied unfairly to WSU Police Chief
White privilege
Tom Forbes on the Phone

Download the audio: The PES - Apr. 9th, 2007 (Right-Click "Save As...")

Monday, April 2, 2007

Andy Savage from

Today on The PES

Andy Savage at
Murder in Moscow
College Hill study

Download the audio: The PES - Apr. 2nd, 2007 (Right-Click "Save As...")